Compost for the garden
Each year I am amazed buy how low the level gets in the raised beds. It starts at…
Each year I am amazed buy how low the level gets in the raised beds. It starts at…
Weather has not been good for weeks but I finally ventured up to the plot today to dig…
It’s either been raining, or windy, or raining and windy… today was the first day for a while…
A cold freezing day but the sun had melted most of the ice by mid morning, although the…
The other day I found a new supply of rotted down horse manure, we were out for a…
You can on longer deny that autumn is here and winter is coming quickly when you see your…
We stopped picking runner beans last month as we just could not keep up with them. We eat…
A couple of warm sunny autumn days allowed me to go to the plot during the day and…
Time to start tidying up and prepping things. I pulled the last lot of carrots which got us…
You visit the plot and it feels just like summer, if not a bit cooler, you cling onto…
We have had the best year for carrots in the garden, something we normally struggle with. We have…
The borlotti plants on the plot have all died back so it was time to pick off the…
I am pretty pleased with the tomatoes, with new ones turning red each day and ready for picking.…
I covered the swedes last week in order to keep the birds off but it turns out it…
With outdoor tomatoes I spent the beginning of summer wondering if tomatoes will actually start to appear and…
We have finally picked our first lot of sweetcorn cobs which has worked out really well in the…
It certainly feels like it, shorter evenings and colder mornings. Have we eaten breakfast in the garden for…
The garden, I think, is looking really good and I pretty pleased with that we have done, I…
A month later than I would had wanted, due to the bad weather, I finally dug up the…
I have high hopes for our tomatoes and sweetcorn currently growing in the garden. I’ve been removing leaves…
Because in previous years I used to always go up to the plot super early in the morning…
It was forecast to be a wet week with super hot days in-between, I’d been waiting for a…
Every day, the sweetcorn plants grow taller and we have started to see corn cobs growing on the…
The one day I had time to be at the plot the weather decided to modal mid winter…
The peas came out this weekend, they finished a couple of weeks ago but some were still keeping…
Rain in the summer is annoying but if it’s warm too then plants will grow and sometimes very…
We have started to puck courgettes and with all the wet weather I am expecting them to grow…
Back in 2022 we put up a shed at another plot, it was time for us to take…
Lots of watering other the last week leaving the plot with a mixture of over wintered plants coming…
A super windy weekend which meant it wasn’t the best to spend a lot of time at the…
Super windy with cold and rain yesterday and sun with blue skies today. I was surprised to see…
I cut the grass paths between plots, and I built a bit more of the decking edging that…
We are on a mission to eat as many radish as possible as the garden keeps providing enough…
A mixed weather forecast of warm sunny and rainy days for the next week which made me think…
Sunny early morning and so planted out: I sowed some more beetroot as the current line of plants…
I sowed runner beans undercover last weekend and this weekend they were ready to plant out. This year…
A mix of warm weather and rain meant the plot, and in fact the whole allotment site, had…
A mid week visit on the way home from work, it was sunny and warm during the day…
A bank holiday weekend started off sunny and I had a long list of plants that needed planting…
I started this the other week, creating a frame and netting for the strawberries. The idea here is…
No longer working for home, for now, means I can’t finish work and be on the plot before…
Finally got round to cutting the bushes back to shape and trimming/hacking the tree. The off cuts I…
A had a chance afternoon not at work during the week and so took the opportunity to spend…
Cloudy early morning which soon turned to warm sun. I cycled up to the plot as the main…
It may had been super windy up at the plot but in the garden we were sheltered from…
Blue sky and sun but very windy. Coming from the south and so hitting the plot head on.…
So far with Easter weather, promised to be windy and unsettled, has turned out to be warm with…
Easter weekend, early this year at the end of March. So far this year it has been mostly…
Forecast for rain but when I woke up it was blue sky and sunny. I wasn’t planning anything…
We make compost at home but there is not enough waste to make a lot of it, so…